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Slaughter Messiah (Black/death/thrash metal) was born in the Winter 2008 in Belgium. The Entity was originally formed by two death worshippers: Rod S. (guitars) and Elliot “Sodomaniak” Spencer (drums, lyrics and vocals) who wanted to play in a black and death metal style. At dawn of 2011, Slaughter Messiah organized a jam session with the almighty Lord Sabathan (Horacle, ex-Morbid Death, ex-Enthroned, …) who joined the band as a bassist/vocalist so the band realized it’s first demo called « Deathlike Invasion ». In June 2012 Slaughter Messiah introduced Thomas "Exhumator" (vocals/guitars from Spermafrost) as a second guitarist. The EP « Black Speed Terror » was born in the year 2013. In 2014, the band made a second EP called « Putrid Invokation », more death and rotten than the past releases. At the beginning of 2015, Elliot "Sodomaniak" left the band and dedicated himself to his new projects. Quickly, John Berry (Gae Bolga) joined the band behind the kit. A new was released, back to the old school roots. Slaughter Messiah is gonna make your ears bleed, and reap your souls!!! Watch out for the full length album in 2017!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/slaughtermessiah/

Bandcamp : https://slaughtermessiah.bandcamp.com/